
Why You Can Cook with Real Extra Virgin Olive oil
jamie_oliver_olive_oil from Kerry Hart on Vimeo. Let me tell you a story........ "But you can’t cook with olive oil! It smokes at a low temperature!" I was doing a tasting at Farro’s yesterday and this lady was adamant that this was true! What was I to do, knowing...

Cultivate a Healthy Gut
The Healthy Gut The gut lies in the center of your body and is also the center of microbiological activity. It makes sense to optimize the inner workings of your stomach. Once your guts are running healthy and happy, you can expect other parts – from your brain to your...
Apple Cider Vinegar and Blood Sugar
While apple cider vinegar probably won’t make you skinny, it does appear to help with diabetes and blood sugar control. Carol Johnston, PhD, directs Arizona State University’s nutrition program. She has been studying apple cider vinegar for more than 10 years and believes its effects on blood sugar are similar...
World Olive Oil Shortage Leads to Higher Prices from Europe
Last year's disastrous olive harvest in Spain and Italy has caused prices to soar. These two countries are responsible for 70% of the global olive oil output. The demand for olive oil by retailers and distributors is higher than producers can deliver. The upside of this for New Zealand olive oil...
Mediterranean Diet Decreases DNA Damage in Men with Prostrate Cancer
Prostate cancer is the second most common cancer in men worldwide, according to the World Cancer Research Fund International. In the United States alone, one in seven men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in their lifetime. The American Cancer Society estimates a staggering 220,800 new cases and 27,540 deaths...
Mediterranean Meal with Olive Oil Keeps Blood Sugar Levels Low
While the Mediterranean diet in general is known for its heart healthy qualities, more and more studies have shown that it may also be an ideal diet for prevention of diabetes. In a new study, Italian researchers have found that a meal that included extra virgin olive oil resulted in...