Healthy Eating
The Blood Pressure Exercises
Repeated studies from some of the most respected universities in the world have proved that all types of blood pressure medications in fact INCREASE the risk of dying from stroke and heart attack.Even if they sometimes lower blood pressure, the side effects can kill.Unbelievable, isn’t it? You’re about to discover an alternative method to quickly...
20 Unique Apple Cider Vinegar Uses + 6 Major Health Benefits
By Rachael Link, MS, RD Dr Axe Food & Medicine Despite its recent surge in popularity, the extensive list of apple cider vinegar benefits has been well-known for centuries. It’s been shown to keep blood sugar in check, amp up weight loss and even improve the appearance of acne and...
You Can Cook with Olive Oil - so long as it really is Extra Virgin.
We often get people in our store who don't realise that you can cook with extra virgin olive oil. Their experience has been that when they do cook with olive oil it smokes at a low temperature. When we ask them "where did you buy it and how much did...
Cholesterol Health - The Oxidised Cholesterol Strategy
Since the 1970s, most medical institutions have stood by the view that LDL cholesterol is bad cholesterol because it hangs around in our blood streams and consequently forms plaques in our arteries that damage and block them. As a result, when you go for a cholesterol test, your doctor measures...
Why Extra Virgin Olive Oil is the Healthiest Fat on Earth
By Kris Gunners, BSC, June 4, 2017, Heathline Fats in the diet are highly controversial. You'll see people arguing about animal fats, seed oils and almost everything in between. But one of the few fats that most people agree is healthy is extra virgin olive oil. This oil,...
Would the Real Olive Oil Please Stand Up?
“Once someone tries a real extra virgin olive oil— an adult or a child, anybody with taste buds —they'll never go back to the fake kind.It's distinctive, complex, the freshest thing you've ever eaten.” ~ Tom Mueller, author of Extra Virginity When Labels Lie This article by Eileen Laird from Phoenix...
Mediterranean Diet
If you're looking for a heart-healthy eating plan, the Mediterranean diet might be right for you. The Mediterranean diet incorporates the basics of healthy eating — plus a splash of flavorful olive oil and perhaps even a glass of red wine — among other components characterizing the traditional cooking style...
Olive Oil Polyphenols Reduce Bad Cholesterol
By Isabel Putinja in Olive Oil Times, July 20, 2015. "The results of a recent study have again shown that the polyphenols found in olive oil reduce cardiovascular risks. Published this month in the Journal of Nutrition, the study “Olive Oil Polyphenols Decrease LDL Concentrations and LDL Atherogenicity in Men...